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Enrollment Info

Lottery Information

Lottery Information

For the 25/26 school year:
Core and Discovery Studies applications are now online. We use the online system Lotterease for our application and lottery process. You will need to create an account and submit an application using the link below:
Applications for the first lottery draw are due March 28.
Grass Valley Charter School is open to any student living in Nevada, Placer, Yuba or Sierra counties. Students will be considered for admission without regard to ethnicity, national origin, gender, or disability.
Grass Valley Charter offers two educational programs. Our Core program is our full day onsite program and Discovery Studies is our homeschool independent study based program. Make sure you choose the appropriate program on your application.

The application process for our Core program is as follows (see Discovery Studies for specifics regarding that program):

  • Submit complete application online
  • Lottery draw for available spots is conducted(priority status is given to siblings of existing students and those enrolled in other GVCS programs – see below for priority status criteria)  
  • If drawn, you will be called and offered a spot. If not your application will be kept to be drawn in future future lottery draws as spaces become available
  • When offered a spot you will be given 24 hours to accept before the spot is offered to another family, and five days to provide all required registration paperwork
  • An intake conference for middle school transfer students will be scheduled prior to finalizing registration
Prior to being admitted into GVCS, students and parents will be required to:
  •  Attend a mandatory orientation to complete the registration process
  •  Understand the school’s philosophies, values and growth areas
  •  Select the student’s educational program or option
  •  Sign and agree to the Grass Valley Charter School Agreement
  •  Agree to the guidelines set forth in the GVCS Core Handbook

The timeline for Core enrollment for the 2025/26 school year is as follows:

    • February 28 - Open re-enrollment for the next school year (2025/26) for continuing Core students
    • March 14 - Deadline for current Core students to re-enroll
    • March 14 - TK and Kindergarten Roundup – 2:00 PM – adults only please (optional school tour at 1:30)
    • March 14 - Open enrollment begins for new students for the 2025/26 school year
    • March 28 - Deadline to turn in new student registration packets to be eligible for first lottery                              
Lottery Draws
  • March 31- First lottery draw - Subsequent draws will take place as openings occur.
Mandatory Orientation for students drawn in lottery   
  • April 7 - Mandatory meeting - Parents only- 6:00pm (optional school tour 5:30pm)
Parents/guardians of ALL NEW students DRAWN in the lottery (priority or regular) must attend a mandatory orientation on April 7th at 6:00pm, to complete the registration process.  Another orientation meeting must be rescheduled if this meeting is missed.  NO new student drawn will be placed in a class for the 2025/26 school year until this step has been completed.
GVCS Enrollment and Lottery Draw Sequences
2025/26 School Year
Grass Valley Charter School uses the following pre-determined priorities and sequences for acceptance of applicants to the different programs of our school.  A separate lottery is held for each program (Core and Discovery Studies).
Students will be drawn in the lottery in the following priority order:
  1. Currently enrolled Core students and children of .50 FTE or greater GVCS staff
  2. Sibling applicants of currently enrolled Core students and Discovery Studies students whose current entry date in GVCS is prior to Oct. 1st.  Lottery draws within this priority group will be necessary if there are more applicants than spaces available in a grade level.  Siblings from blended or split households: his/her primary residence must be more than 50% with the currently enrolled Core student to qualify for sibling priority status.
  3. Siblings of both GVCS Preschool and Discovery Studies students whose sibling has been placed in Core in the current lottery draw. (Current GVCS Preschool and DS students’ siblings do not have priority status for enrollment into Core until the child who has been in one of these programs has been placed into Core.)  –   Lottery draws within this priority group will be necessary if there are more applicants than spaces available in a grade level.
  4. All new applicants who do not meet the above priorities.
The first lottery draw will take place on Monday, March 31 2025.  This draw will consist of all new applicants who turn in a registration application by the deadline, Friday March 28th, 2025.  Registration applications turned in after the deadline will not qualify for the first lottery draw, but will be placed in the lottery for subsequent draws as openings become available.