Our Staff
- Principal: Luke Duchene - lduchene@gvsd.us
- Assistant Principal: Alex Ezzell – aezzell@gvsd.us
- Instructional Guide: Kim Floyd-Martinez - kfloydmartinez@gvsd.us
- Secretary: Heidi Wilder - hwilder@gvsd.us
- Technology Coordinator: Jen Paulus - jpaulus@gvsd.us
- Clerk Technician: Stefani White - stwhite@gvsd.us
Before/After Care Program
- Director: Krisanne Olson - kolson@gvsd.us
- Lead Custodian: Kory Leon – kleon@gvsd.us
- Chad Dugas - cdugas@gvsd.us
- Corey Likin - clikin@gvsd.us
Service and Adventure Teachers
- Beth Dekker – bdekker@gvsd.us
- Gene Grapel - egrapel@gvsd.us
- Gio Cohen - giocohen@gvsd.us
Core Academic Teachers
- Transitional Kindergarten Room 1: Cheri Vasquez-Charles - cvasquezcharles@gvsd.us
- Transitional Kindergarten Room 2: Tammy Colon - tcolon@gvsd.us
- Kindergarten/1st grade – Room 3: Sonya Neal - sneal@gvsd.us
- Kindergarten/1st grade – Room 4: Amy Edwards - aedwards@gvsd.us
- Kindergarten/1st grade – Room 5: Katie Surface - ksurface@gvsd.us
- Kindergarten/1st grade – Room 6: Suzanne Mitchell - smitchell@gvsd.us
- 2nd/3rd Grade – Room 7: Kelsey Smith - ksmith@gvsd.us
- 2nd/3rd Grade – Room 8: Kim Floyd Martinez - kfloydmartinez@gvsd.us
- 2nd/3rd Grade – Room 9: Mary Lehmberg - mlehmberg@gvsd.us
- 2nd/3rd Grade – Room 10: Lori Davis - ldavis@gvsd.us
- 4th/5th Grade – Room 15: Cynthia Grapel - cgrapel@gvsd.us
- 4th/5th Grade – Room 16: Samantha Hoskin - shoskin@gvsd.us
- 4th/5th Grade – Room 12: Sue Muir - smuir@gvsd.us
- 4th/5th Grade – Room 14: Cherylynn Allen - callen@gvsd.us
- 6th Grade – Room 18: Brooke Murphy - bmurphy@gvsd.usd
- 6th Grade – Room 20: Tracey Hockinson –thockinson@gvsd.us
- 7th Grade – Room 21: April Griffin - agriffin@gvsd.us
- 7th Grade – Room 23: Sarah Rushing - srushing@gvsd.us
- 8th Grade – Room 17: Laura Jones - ljones@gvsd.us
- 8th Grade – Room 19: Lindsey Nowell - lnowell@gvsd.us
Student Support
- Special Education/Intervention Teacher: Saskia Dummett – sgould@gvsd.us
- Special Education/Intervention Teacher: Ella Lerche - elerche@gvsd.us
- Elementary Math Support: Karen Nelson - knelson@gvsd.us
- School Counselor/Therapist: Meghine Johnson – mogbornjohnson@gvsd.us
- School Psychologist: Danielle Dodson - ddodson@gvsd.us
- PE: Jamie Miller - jmiller@gvsd.us
- Art: Rebecca Duff - rduff@gvsd.us
- Librarian: Jenny Cox – jcox@gvsd.us
- Garden Coordinator: Katie Forrette - kforrette@gvsd.us
Discovery Studies
- Education Specialist: Lindsey Ward - lward@gvsd.us
- Education Specialist: Erin Maddock – emaddock@gvsd.us
- Education Specialist: Christine Wright – cwright@gvsd.us
- Education Specialist: Danielle Stadulis - dstaulis@gvsd.us
- Discovery Studies Technician: Brandy Fisher - bfisher@gvsd.us
While some of our teachers have been with our school from its beginning, others have been drawn to its unique philosophy and unifying teaching methods. We are passionately committed to the principles and philosophy of EL Education and to maintaining a positive school culture that permeates our staff, students and parents.